
Quality Control Built Into Medical Translation Process

Expert translators
Clinical Translations Team
Quality Control Built Into Medical Translation Process

Rigorous Quality Checkpoints define the standard of excellence at In the realm of specialized language services for clinical research projects, attaining excellence is a deliberate outcome, shaped by an unwavering commitment to strict quality control measures. These checkpoints encompass systematic reviews and verifications, ensuring that translations meet the highest benchmarks of accuracy, relevance, and coherence.

The journey of quality begins with the careful selection of translators who bring not just linguistic expertise but also a deep understanding of the life sciences field. The process extends through thorough editing and proofreading phases, engaging several experts to cross-examine the precision and uniformity of each translation.

Moreover, proficient project management is key, employing cutting-edge software to guarantee consistency across all documents. By adhering to these stringent quality checkpoints, aims to furnish translations that are not only faithful to the original texts but also culturally attuned and contextually appropriate for CROs and pharmaceutical companies.

Certification Standards Compliance

Certification Standards Compliance is at the core of our operations at As a specialized language service provider for Contract Research Organizations (CROs) and pharmaceutical companies, we understand the critical importance of aligning with ISO 9001 and ISO 17100:2015 standards.

This compliance is not just about meeting requirements; it’s about embodying a philosophy of excellence in every aspect of our translation services for clinical research projects.

For, undergoing the certification process is an intensive endeavor that scrutinizes our quality control systems. We are committed to a methodical framework that assures every stage of our translation work upholds the pinnacle of industry standards. Certification is more than a badge—it’s our promise of unwavering quality and a testament to our dedication to continuous improvement.

We pride ourselves on a service model that prioritizes client needs from the very first interaction to the delivery of the final product. By adhering to these stringent standards, doesn’t just aim to meet client expectations—we strive to surpass them, ensuring the precision and reliability of our translations for the life sciences and clinical trials sectors.

Medical Translation Process

Multi-Person Review Process

At, the multi-person review process stands as a cornerstone of our quality assurance program. This process embodies a collaborative effort that is deeply rooted in our commitment to uphold certification standards.

Our team of expert linguists, which includes translators, editors, and proofreaders, work in unison, each applying their specialized knowledge to ensure excellence in translation.

This methodical approach promotes a culture of meticulous attention to detail and collective responsibility, focusing intently on comprehensive error detection and resolution. Through this cross-functional review, we guarantee that our translations not only align with but also surpass the stringent demands of the life sciences and clinical trial industries.

By engaging multiple qualified professionals to meticulously examine each piece of translated content, we effectively diminish the possibility of errors and maintain our pledge to provide exceptional translation services.

In doing so, reaffirms its dedication to meeting and exceeding the high expectations of our CRO and pharmaceutical clients.

Project Management Oversight

Project Management Oversight is a cornerstone of the service provided by, where a dedicated Project Manager takes the helm of each translation project. This pivotal role encompasses the meticulous coordination of all facets of the translation process, from the initial kick-off to the final delivery, upholding the uppermost echelons of quality standards. The responsibilities attributed to this role are integral to the seamless execution and stringent quality assurance of our translation services.

  • Strategic Planning: Crafting detailed timelines and establishing key milestones are fundamental to guarantee an effective workflow tailored to the project’s specific requirements.
  • Resource Allocation: The careful selection and assignment of specialized translators, adept editors, and meticulous proofreaders are tailored to meet the unique demands of each project.
  • Quality Oversight: Vigilant monitoring of translation quality at every juncture is paramount, with robust control measures steadfastly in place to ensure the integrity of the translated materials.
  • Communication Hub: Acting as the pivotal point for all communications, the Project Manager facilitates client feedback, steers team interactions, and swiftly addresses any issues that may arise.

Through the adoption of these rigorous project management protocols, ensures that translation projects are navigated towards the pinnacle of excellence, characterized by precision, efficiency, and unwavering quality. Our commitment to the life sciences and clinical trials sectors is reflected in our dedication to exceeding the expectations of CROs and pharmaceutical companies with every translation we deliver.

Final Product Proofing

At, the final product proofing phase is the definitive reflection of our meticulous efforts throughout the project management process. It is here that the precision and quality of our translation work are scrutinized, embodying our unwavering commitment to excellence.

During this critical evaluation, each document is subjected to an exhaustive linguistic accuracy review. We ensure that every aspect of the original content, including its meaning, tone, and subtle nuances, is faithfully preserved and effectively conveyed.

This proofing process is vital in identifying and rectifying any potential discrepancies, thereby upholding the professional standards demanded by our clients in the life sciences and clinical trial sectors.

Qualified Translator Recruitment

Qualified Translator Recruitment is the foundation upon which builds its reputation for excellence within the life sciences and clinical trial sectors. Our stringent translator qualifications are central to delivering high-quality translations that our clients in contract research organizations (CROs) and pharmaceutical companies can trust implicitly.

The recruitment process at encompasses:

  • Thorough vetting of academic credentials and relevant professional experience within the clinical research context.
  • Assessment of language proficiency through advanced and industry-recognized standardized tests.
  • Confirmation of subject-matter expertise, guaranteeing that translations are not only linguistically accurate.
  • Commitment to ongoing professional development, ensuring our translators are at the forefront of language and industry developments.

Review and Editing Protocols

Review and Editing Protocols at are integral to our commitment to precision and reliability in specialized language services. Our process begins with an in-depth review by subject matter experts who scrutinize the translated content for linguistic accuracy and cultural relevance.

Following the review, the editing stage meticulously refines terminology and grammar, ensuring that each document is polished and professionally presented.

The implementation of these stringent protocols ensures that all translations align with the high standards expected in the life sciences and clinical trial sectors. Our dual-layered quality assurance process is designed to deliver translations that not only reflect the original text’s intent but also engage the intended audience with clarity and precision.

Quality Medical Translation Process

Software Tools for Assurance

At, we understand the critical nature of accurate and consistent language services in clinical research. To safeguard the integrity of our translations, we employ an array of specialized software tools that form the backbone of our quality assurance protocol. These tools are essential for upholding the high-quality standards demanded by contract research organizations (CROs) and pharmaceutical companies.

Our suite of software tools includes:

  • Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools: These enhance the efficiency and consistency of our translators, ensuring that every project meets our rigorous standards.
  • Terminology Management Systems: To guarantee the uniform application of industry-specific terminology, which is essential for regulatory compliance and accuracy.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Software: These programs conduct automated checks, pinpointing errors with a precision that complements our human reviewers’ expertise.
  • Translation Management Systems (TMS): By integrating all facets of the translation process, we ensure seamless project management, delivering transparency and control to our clients.

The deployment of these advanced tools is part of our commitment to excellence, enabling to deliver translations that align with the precise needs of the life sciences and clinical trial sectors.

Industry Best Practices Adherence

At, our dedication to Industry Best Practices Adherence is unwavering. We ensure that each translation project undergoes rigorous quality control checkpoints at every stage, to provide unparalleled accuracy and dependability.

Our approach involves a collaborative effort from various professional teams including translators, editors, proofreaders, and desktop publishing specialists, establishing a comprehensive scrutiny framework that is fundamental to the optimization of the translation process. This ensures that every document embodies the pinnacle of clarity and correctness.

Our commitment to excellence is further reinforced by our strict compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17100:2015 certifications, which are indicative of our organized workflow management and our dedication to maintaining consistency across all projects.

Translation Accuracy Collaboration

At, we prioritize Translation Accuracy by integrating the expertise of subject matter experts into our translation process. This collaboration is paramount for preserving the integrity of the highly specialized and complex content inherent in clinical research documentation. Our experts’ extensive knowledge in life sciences and clinical trials ensures that translations reflect precise industry-specific terminology and concepts, transcending mere language fluency.

Expert Engagement:

We facilitate close partnerships with subject matter experts to validate industry-specific jargon.

Iterative Feedback:

A robust feedback mechanism between our translators and experts guarantees continual precision in our translations.

Knowledge Integration:

The specialized understanding of experts is meticulously woven into our translation workflows.

Expert Review Milestones:

Our process includes rigorous review checkpoints with subject matter experts to affirm the accuracy of our translations.

Adhering to these stringent practices, remains steadfast in its mission to deliver exceptional translation services that meet and surpass the expectations of CROs and pharmaceutical companies.

Desktop Publishing Precision

Desktop Publishing Precision is paramount in the scope of services offered by Our unwavering commitment to translation accuracy necessitates an intricate Desktop Publishing (DTP) process, ensuring that translated documents are not only linguistically accurate but also visually consistent with the source material.

The DTP process meticulously accounts for the text expansion that often occurs during translation, given the variability in word length and sentence structure across languages. Our team engages in careful layout adjustments to ensure that the translated text aligns flawlessly with the original design, maintaining the integrity of the content without any obscurity or misplacement.

We recognize the importance of layout consistency, which includes the thoughtful adaptation of fonts, graphics, and the document’s overall style. These elements are skillfully modified to engage the target audience while accurately reflecting the original document’s intent.

The exacting standards of our desktop publishing process highlight our dedication to delivering translations that uphold the professionalism and readability required by CROs and pharmaceutical companies in the clinical research domain.

Clinical Translations Team
We are a Swiss-based specialized language service provider for contract research organizations (CROs) and pharmaceutical companies. We focus on clinical research projects throughout all clinical study phases (phases I-IV) and deliver in a highly professional and transparent manner.